Standardised template

Page header

The Standardised page header gives context and confidence to the user so they understand what the page is about. It is present on every page, to be placed just below the Site header.


Anatomy of standardised page header
  • Mandatory
  • Optional
BreadcrumbContextual *Breadcrumb component provides information on the page and its relationship to the site's hierarchy and structure
MetaContextual *Metadata related to the content of the page
Page titleYesTitle of the page
IntroductionNoShort description of the page

* Contextual – elements that may or may not feature on a page, depending on the communication and/or functional needs – for example, Login. Where the element features, use the ECL component.


  • ensure the pages contain all the elements in the anatomy table above


  • don't use more than one Page header per page

When to use

  • always use a Page header when building your page

When not to use

  • do not follow these guidelines when you are updating sites that fall under the Core or Harmonised category